changed my mind sora from kingdom hearts gets the girls, has a big key thing to open ANYTHING and has big feet. who wouldn't want that.
There are two people as of now, my friend and myself. That is two. I think one would be to little of a number, but two would be a good size. But...
Personally I would not make a machinima unless you have a capture card yourself. People are unreliable these days. What does your machinima...
Just go out there and delete them what is the problem.
carl johnson, or masterchief
Agreed. You didn't make anything that stands out as original. I have seen better skate maps, where they have been original. Like the little jumps...
Sup. You available Sunday? Like early afternoon
you said it got stickied
where is sandbox thread
i can has steak chilli sammich on a grill after it was drooled on my gram gram right before she died from a train in the desert running from snake...
No. Just no. Leave competitions to the staff please. 15 objects? What can I make with 15 objects other than a box?
This is really great. Lot better than any of the scarabs on foundry including mine. Name it the sand scarab 4.5/5 5 if playable.
This is not good. Try some screen shot guides to find some good ways to make pics!
Add my account, GR Blood Shot Be sure to apply, I have 6 applications and I am looking for 4 more, and then the applicants will be picked. So,...
Once again, hopefully 3rd time is the charm. SEND ALL APPLICATIONS TO ME VIA PM, not through this thread. I will get to them easier and faster. Thanks
Please send the applications to me in a private message! Thanks!
Why did you make this? I don't know about you but I would not play ctf on this. I would however, possibly, maybe, warm up on it. 5/5 for just...
visit my thread for application
I don't like it, sorry. If it is ruins, then you should have used the damaged blocks, or something to make it give a more 'ruins' feel. It looks...