it is a great map but I feel it needs something, but i do not know what ?
awesome, you should call it the explosion escape effect
epic man, just epic, I could make mah clan leader one of these :D
Let me be the first to say, not up to standards, use and embed from there
yeah, but look at it in halo 3 and it is awesome
1. Wider pics plz, I cannot see anything 2. Some of the track is way too thin (or is that just the pics doing the effect) 3/5
Epic win man, orbital tracks usually suck but you cracked open the shell and released the awesomeness of the other maps of the mmp 4.5/5
it... is... too... thin... IT IS TOO THIN, HOW CAN YOU RACE ON IT but then again this is your first 3/5
I was trying to make this map, I was going to call it outlaw (look in sig) I will still make it but anyways Great map, could be more aesthetics...
this is not too good and not very impressive, it is like you got the tech from another switch and the ball just goes into the area of green and it...
looks great, I do not think it is aesthetic, it looks competetive to me I give 4.8/5 because this is pure awesomeness P.S. I think it looks better...
looks good to use on infection maps if you edit it no point of downloading but I will say 4.5/5 for the switch, it looks quite simple to make :D
do not listen to everyone, this looks good, it does not have to be a huge structure floating in the sky to be good, it goes back to when racing...
1st 1 is a bit weird, do not get how you play 2nd 1 looks a bit small and couldn't you grenade jump out, plus it does not look like you could play...
trust me, it looks horrible from pics but is as smooth as grated sand on a huge beach, it looks great when you play it PLAY IT AWE DIE!!!!!! lol...
looks ok but looks a bit strange for infection, got any gameplay pics?
dude this is amazing for a guardian map, its like you cracked open the shell on this map 4/5 (the reason it is 4 is cause I hate guardian :D)
sorry but if I do that then I go over the picture limit, that is why I said I will only do overviews and BTW no interlocking :D
That makes no sense to me? People have one live that is why they bother sticking them, and you get points and the rocket + grav hammer is to...
umm... you should make sure the pics are ready to post b4 the post k