THAT, is awesome. It looks like a space station, like that other dude said, and is pretty fun. but, what would make it even BETTER is... wait for...
That looks pretty sick. I, like everyone else, loves the idea, err... ill come up with a better word later. But, i was thinking the same thing,...
yeah some pictures would be awesome. It looks like it would be awesome though, judging by those pictures. Out of curiosity, what game modes...
Lol, im glad you like my metaphor :). I think it really does have too much jelly that doesnt compliment the peanut butter. Its kind of hard to see...
Lol thats awesome! It looks so much better than cage and plays better. So much better than the infection map where they just went in a screwed...
I think it looks cool and colorful :D. It looks like it would also be fun to play on, and also fair. I would vote for putting this on Reach, but...
Ok, i HIGHLY disagree with you. I do care a lot how a map plays, but if a map looks incredible, like this one, i wanna play it way more than a map...
This was INCREDIBLY helpful! It made me look at my map in a point of view of the player of both sides, to then make it a loooooooot better. Thank...
I would be fine with a review. like i said, critiques on my map can only make it better, right? Also, i don't think it should be casual. I...
Yeah, i do use that stuff. My friend made the pillboxes, and they aren't perfect, i know. Also, the american weapons base thing that is one of the...
D-Day Invasion A NEW KIND OF MAP WARNING: This map has breached the boundaries between competitive maps and aesthetic maps. How, you...
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I would say that's what most people think of the Nazis, so it matches their base. Personally, i thought the buildings went well with the WW2 time...
Swing Life Away by Rise Against! LOVE IT XD
PETA= People Eating Tasty Animals XD
I am a SUPER Colts Fan, but they went 2-14 :/ So, last year i said the Eagles would win it all this year, so i am sticking with that XD