lol hes a ballchinian from MiB 2
ok cool. march 31st ... did you test mine?
just out of curiosity, do you have any idea whe the contest judging will be finished? Im pretty excited to see how it turned out :)
yeah, i added a few more flags so i think it would definitely be better with a lot of people. hope i can test it with a lot some time soon. and...
Yes! i love the space/ plots/ star wars/ awesomeness. it actually remind me of star wars battlefront 2 space battles. :P i absolutely love...
Alright, started this map on Sunday. finished it on Monday. Tested on Tuesday. Fixed on Wednesday. (Arkham City reference) Its a minigame, made...
i get so happy that there are new maps to look at, but then i realize its just you wasting space with 7 threads of meaningless words. stop, or...
i dont do any double switch or stuff like that, but i used to always play Cod on about 7 or 8, so the 10 on halo is actually pretty slow to me....
yes! i love this map. one of the best mini game/ infection maps i have played. id actually say its pretty fun with people who are just complete...
thanks. i liked how you had more ways of destroying vehicles than just other vehicles, possibly giving infantry a chance. definitely going to add...
[IMG] EDIT: DOWNLOAD LINK FIXED. This is a map. It is a BTB map made on the whole of Alaska. It is an asymmetrical map, but is pretty even on...
lol his wrist looks pretty painful thats pretty sick though. i personally suck at drawing, but the thing on his head does look kind of...
Map Name: Petechia Author: PurexXxChicken and czarinabox Download Link: Version Q Preferred Gametype: TU BTB Slayer [IMG]
ok this looks like a pretty cool concept, and th buildings and stuff look pretty nice, but it looks kinda cramped. kind of a lot of cover and...
yeah i was just playing around in forge so thats why im red, but i thought that too. it would look pretty badass blacked out. btw, i love your...
This is a picture. I was about to start a map, when i started playing around with effects. i though this effect would be cool for a sniper...
That is amazing. the last crusade is one of my favorite movies of all time, and this is awesome. now you just need to find a way to take someones...
Dude your sig is the funniest thing i have ever seen. i cant stop watching it
I played with a group of four, maybe it was five people. It was by far the greatest infection slash minigame thing i have ever played. now, armor...
Yes the aesthetics are amazing and perfectly match the theme. I love how it actually looks like a real place thats been like abandoned or...