That might work...Invasion? If not you can try making a vip type gametype (if its in there) and the captures are in order of the map.
I like your final result..although i dont understand the "ghetto booty thing" ( i know what ghetto booty is but i dont see the problem with the...
I like the look of this map alot..looks like you spent alot of time on the grav hammer platform too it looks good. This might become my new 2v2...
I can beat it in 5-8 minutes. But the problem is i always run into problems...:( The last teleporter (the tilted single walls) thats the hardest...
Try I agree with physco, make the pictures bigger and i'll give feedback
Gamertag: x1134 Firex Experience: I Do not know how to make many switches in halo 3 mainly because i never bothered looking. but the ones i have...