"Crackdown 1 was great and a super fun game to play when you just want to go in and tear it up. This one looks better and with multiplayer and...
"Clean map and clean lines. Nice merging. If there is one zombie spawn and say 3-4 humans, couldn't 2 humans man the turrets with one sniping from...
"Yeah I have to agree rifte that the walls need to be higher or don't have any at all. The gravity switch is good idea but it would screw with...
"The map looks great but I would try interlocking a bit more to add to the overall look of the map. For contstructive critism I would say that 2...
"Beautiful map and great thread. The merging and interlocking like everyone has said here is fantastic and overall seems to have a nice flow....
"The remake is spot on. Actually one of only a few COD maps I remember but this one is nearly perfect in the remake. I just hate the fact that...
"This is a really good looking map overall. This map right now is a 4/5 IMO but could be better if cleaned up a bit. I like the ideal height of...
"One of the better foundry maps I've seen. It definately has an MLG feel to it with the bases, catwalks and semi-open lower area. Great merging...
"I like the idea of having a weapon cache in the back room at foundry. I've never seen that before." said former Green Bay Packers QB Brett Favre.
Concept is fantastic. I've been looking for a good narrow and long CTF map. I like the way you integrated the tunnels in the sides. For some...
I like the idea of a dark crypt for Infection. To me it seems the zombies are a little overpowered with the faster running, camo and radar. In...
Your pictures are not coming up. Please read the sticky on how to post your pics and map on here. GRACIAS!!
I think its funny that you just rip people for some of their maps recently on here but you put this map up like its great. I hate coming on here...
This would make a fun multiteam map with the four symmetrical bases. Looks pleasing and I would definately download. I like the way the center...
In one word: CLEAN. Not easy to make a smooth track like that with mancannon jumps and no real protection when you land. Without playing it and...
I really like the map layout. There is a bit too much open space in the center as stated but it probably works although a little more legit cover...
First off let me say what a beautiful remake of a church. I don't know if its the effects on the pics or what, but that really does look great....
Oh i get it, when they are running through multiple doors down a long corridor or something like that. It looks like chaos in there but that...
At first I thought this looked stupid but after reading over all the time that was spent plus the super sweet MS Paint drawings I found myself...
Great looking skybubble map. Love the long and narrow layout with the passageways on the sides in mid. Very cleanly done. Without the floor...