looks cool, as if he were about to freakin' chuck an energy ball at a helpless grunt then t-bag it til his x-box breaks... 4/5
seems pretty cool, i really enjoy puzzle maps. KAEBERS and IR NINJA BOB have some cool ones too. i will download it and play it now and come back...
this map is amazing. you interlocked very well. for some reason this remindes my a bit of halo 2 tombstone (halo CE hang em high) the path over...
it is cool that it's good for all gametypes, but it still has some flaws; you could even it out a bit more. (no splazer as others have said) or...
i personally think that this map is cool. there is some people out there in matchmaking that hate spawning on one side of the map in the...
i think that you need more normal weapons, not as many power weapons. other than that. NICE!!!
what do you mean by enough to it? do i need more cover or what?
nice, it seems that you put hours of time into this map, the interlocking is near perfect and i like how it's symetrical like ak tulio said
you have my download
pretty soon i'll be making a v 3 from scratch. it will be good for all gametypes and it will feature all of foundry, not just the square factory part.
believe it or not, it IS NOT a capture the flag map. in v 3 i will make it for all gametypes. but til then, slayer and CTF only!!! Either way,...
ty master sync
Thanks man, that's like the best reply all day. and on all the versions, the chrome tunnel will stay.
i'm jeolous of your mad skilz lol 5/5 from me. good job!
Ok V2 is up, click here to see it.
Tada, big pics (at least big enough to see EDIT: I know. and if you mean the bridges on the sides of the main tunnel building thingy, i know. i...
i'm in the process of the making bigger pics
Ok, after reading what many of you have said, i made some changes. Now it is much less empty in some places. i also tweaked the weapons a bit to...
ok, right now i'm in the middle of posting v 2 so plz dont download v 1 anymore.
nope, MattDGiant made a map similar to this with a chrome tunnel and rap-around path, mine is very different.