But I have teh ultimate DIAL UP killer! U know what that is? Vonage bish! I crack your sheild and then I has my reconroflcopter back
Inside those 20,000 roflmissles are 1000 warheads in each missile, all warheads containing the worst possible internet slang ever concieved!...
I has RRoD I cantz...sry. but can your failcopter(lolz)stand up to 20,000 roflmissiles coming from every direction known to the universe? I...
Rather Impressive, Ive yet to see a Wolfenstein remake on here yet. I would volunteer for testing, but I have RRoD, so that wont happen. It looks...
Oh christ, evedentily my RRoD fix was temporary. It is heading to MS tonite, but I dont know when we are going to start filming, and this is going...
x2 scratch that... The RRoD fix I had last night was temporary. If my Box isnt back by Christmas, I will tear Microsoft out from underneath...
Never mind, no Moar RRoD!
Scratch that... no more RRoD, yea!
I have teh RRoD... =(
Thats good, but I have bad news... The RRoD...I have it again. Epic =(
If you knew how fun this was before you posted, Your view would truly change... Remember, the Zombies are IN the closed box, so you would not...
If your still planning on doing this, Im game. GT: Desert Rat 852
Im starting to think that Vice Disease may catch on for future TGIF's... That was absolutely epic!
Im impressed. Your interlocking and your geo-merging are near perfect, and like someone above said, you didnt need to ask for no haters, you...
No Problemo!
To answer your question, its a Compaq C-74, a little older of a moldel, but itll run any software you put on it!
Good, try not to make to cheesy, alright? JK, thanks, I was just about to start on it myself, but okay!
Dun wry, its gun be K Homie. I didnt even remember you were being a jerk. See, I cant hold a grudge!
Im with sdra and Red here, something just doesnt feel right. Yes, its a great map, I helped test it, but was it feature worthy? Im not sure......
5: Pallet Parade 4: Temple Nightsv3 3: Lygophobia 2: Yukon Canyon 1: Pipe-Dream(Unrealeased)