i have to think of something funny to do with a killball... lol. I got it. use a killball and stick it part of the way through a wall. People will...
hmmm i remember a map from halo: CE that was set in space and it was on the sides of two ships facing each other, and there was a HUGE gap between...
lol. yeah, that would be absolutely AMAZING. but i don't think its taht crazy of a request. That may be on the list of things to do for bungie in...
uhmmm.. why don't you have sandbox yet? the items are up now.
These heat maps are awesome tho... i actually have an idea of the maps layout. i couldn't really tell from before in the screenshots lol.
I would have to say my favorite film, of course, was the dark night. absolutely amazing, especially because of the joker. But I also really loved...
The only tactic i truly have a problem with is hording all the power weapons. Personally, i like to use weapons other than power weapons; in fact...
this is awesome. this gives us a chance to know some of the layouts of the other maps :D i am very happy for this. kinda funny that they're...
i think i have a complaint like that too. how DARE bungie give us their best? lol. It actually gets me mad that people can rant about bungie doing...
I don't think i will complain about this at all. this map is absolutely perfect and i doubt i would want more from bungie; really it is extremely...
they're all pretty good, and i really like the lighting, but they seem a little bit boring in the effect; i do however REALLY like the first two,...
I agree with conkerkid. They're not showing all that's gonna be available on this map. meaning epic win for forge if its true. even MORE...
Bungie isn't going to give us everything this fast this soon. lol. there's still more packed into sandbox that we don't know about. I'm willing to...
requesting lock on thread :lock: seriously, if it has to do with sandbox, it will already be in the sandbox discussion thread.
"spartan putt-putt" oh yeah :D FTW!! lol. i can imagine it now... you have to get the body in the cup, no hitting rims lol.
I'm "in", as you might say. lols
i just had a thought... lol. what if the golf ball, tin cup, and the club are all insanely massive? comically enlarged golf, anyone?
I wouldn't mind, if you had any use for me lol.
i don't think a hornet like that would fly that well... lol. Although, it might prove interesting in games if that were true, but i doubt that's...
sorry about getting on the random tangent of sandbox, but i think that we could remake that one map from halo 2 that was mainly for BTB. I dunno...