This is version 3 of my Relic map on avelanche
If you would like to help me with changing the color of the containers on my relic map that be amazing I have been trying but it's giving me...
mac I tried geo merging the containers with the man cannons and what happend is that the man cannons end up still working to a point so that...
I will help with your map ambush if you need it
Sage in order to make everything bigger I'm Going to have to wait for sandbox cause although it isn't as small as foundry it is still only half...
Central , middlesex county u?
I finally finished my 3rd version of relic and I'm looking foward to your opinion
I like this map alot Geomerging is great interlocking is well done, but it feels alittle empty. Maybe another level higher up ? I could be wrong...
I got to say i wasn't sure about the map at first, I thought it might be too open, but in the end it wasn't too bad and the switch is amazing.
Relic V3 By GreenLanternGuy The map should be played with 8 to 16 players and it is setup for all the basic game types This is the Third...
Thanx for the comments bleet. Version 3 is coming along nicely I would say i am half way don with it and I have geomerged all the boxes on the...
Thanx for the comments on my relic remake . Version 3 is coming along nicely I would say i am half way don with it and I have geomerged all the...
I went to download your version of rat race and couldn't find it do you still have it?
Thank you all for the good feedback guys. And I think the key to forging on avalanche is just patients, cause to get anything reasonable strait...
The Link for northern lights is broken
I was hoping to download this cause it looks awsome and the idea is great but the link is down it took a while but i found this map on bungie...
the covy tower will be fixed in version 3 along with the weapon spawns, the front of the tower, the bridges, the man cannons, andthe barrier wall....
thats ahuge burger!!!!!
I actually already found your version of this map and loved it . The one thing i don't like is the size of the area behind the bases. I really...
ok I get what your saying and i can actually fix that. And your comment before was still more discriptive then most. If everyone left a comment...