I would laugh and laugh if Religion was eventually regarded as some kind of strange, barbaric practice about 200 years from now (If we make it...
Yeah, that would totally explain why they changed the Beta up so much for final release... Great catch!
Three possible outcomes: 1. Impossible: We get to travel at light speed. What fun. 2. Possible: We get to travel at more than light speed....
Conspiracy theorists and lies. It's all a bunch of crap. However. If the world happens to end in 2012, I will be laughing my ass off while...
Excecute program: Insultinganswer.exe Religion sucks. Anyone who would follow it to the point of believing in creationism is an idiot. If...
Ever wonder why it seems that Bungie keeps making mistakes in the Halo games? Ever wonder why some maps seem like they never went through block...
Look, everyone seems to have this wrong. The reason they're freaking out over it is not because it's so lethal. Any flu is deadly if not treated...
I've seen Knoll spelled both Gnoll and Knoll, so I think that's one of those "either or" words. Zennith was spelled that way to emphasize the...
Well...I don't really do maps...But I can give you some advice on a gametype. When I'm thinking of a new game, I try to think of something...
I cannot read your.... "Post"... Please translate this into forum text and embed some more screenshots.
It's not like your maps bad, it's just been done to death, and you only did a mediocre job at it. It doesnt present anything new, nor does it...
Now where have I seen this before...
Thanks! What he was referring to was the post on XForgery that was a tad more organized than this one. Xforgery has less strict rules on...
Very interesting looking! I love the idea where you cannot score more than once on each bomb plant area. I'll probably be downloading this so I...
Yeah, well, we can only hope =). I doubt ForgeHub even features stuff that isnt made by their elite staff group, but it'd be nice to see a change...
Glad you liked it man!
Fixed! Thanks man. Any other broken links, please report =)
I've also done Brianna Banks. It's perks like these you get when you win everything on the internet...Ever.
Stick 1 guy with 15 plasma grenades. Then take a screenshot.