Hahaha thanks cuz! I hope you are enjoying your time here so far!!! Thanks for the comment on OutBreak, it won't dissapoint!
Damn golly, don't be an ass.. Ooh, your map thread will ruin my maps attention.. Awww poor you man! To stay on topic, get your pictures...
Regenerators can still regenerate shields, even with shield regeneration turned off.. The custom powerup is for a Boss Infected..
Awesome idea for a contest! I can enter my OutBreak map in this ****! You guys can check out the thread in the Forge Discussion!
I don't want too high of standards.. I don't want to be let down if it fails.. But I don't want super low standards.. I like my idea...
I got a V.I.P tour of these maps today.. You guys are going to really enjoy these maps. Delta is my favorite so far..Brings back the good...
Yeah, Manifest and OutBreak have almost the excact same gameplay mechanics, but there are some MAJOR differences. Manifest was also made...
Ok... I will get pictures up as soon as I can finish a couple of maps... I am hoping for OutBreak to be a great game!
haha yeah, I am really stoked for these things. Look video guy, your starting to get a mini fan base rofl...
[IMG] OutBreak is the new style of Infection! Instead of the typical Fat Kid maps or 1 hit zombies, it is an adventure style or...
Yeah my bro actually just joined a couple of days ago. He is really good with graphics, I will have to tell him about this part of the forums...
Yeah I have seen the post, I will have to check out this new map.
Yeah, I made a layer for the Heroic difficulty, and then a Tough Luck skull layer, and put it over. Thank you for the comment, I will get...
[IMG] What do you guys think. Did I do ok for the first time touching PhotoShop?? This is for my coming Map Pack, Tough Luck.. I hope I...
Hey dude, I am all over these Iron Maps. I run a YouTube channel called H3Forge that gets a great amount of views and visits.. If you could...
I just got done with this new infection variant today. ODST troops spawn up in a carrier ship, there are 4 drop pod chambers, when you enter,...
I like map previews, adds to excitement of the release! I loved your first Iron Map Pack, these look alot better than the first one, great work...
Hahaha! Beast, Iron Map Pack 2! I loved the first pack dude! I can't wait to see what you have for us next!
Awesome! For some reason alot of people have been remaking Halo:CE things alot lately. I like this remake of the Shuttle Bay. I was gonna do a...