Nope, I just finished up my last Halo 3 map a couple of weeks ago. I am sooo happy to be done with the annoyance that is the Forge of Halo3.
Hey Douchekid11, stop posting this same thing on EVERY SINGLE MAP IDEA POST, screw off asshole. Ontopic, I think it's a great idea, just make...
Awesome map Grunt. You always make these maps turn out awesome. A download for me 100%. Everything looks nice and smooth, it looks like the...
Thanks alot guys! There are a few bumpy floor pieces and walls that I need to fix up before I put it on here. And another thing, it's not meant...
I have a feeling that there will be TONS of map adoption posts when reach is released. Hopefully Reach's Forge will refresh our minds so we can...
Beautiful base man. Maybe you could do the same thing on the other side and add side tower things kind of like assembly. And also have some sort...
Hydro is a spiritual successor of the Halo 1 Multiplayer Map Damnation. UPDATED: MORE PICTURES Enjoy this small teaser of what is to come. I...
I'm sorry if it looked like I copied it. I honestly didn't. I may actually start to work on the map again maybe. But I still am stumped on ideas....
I knew nothing of that. I just was playing a Halo mission with one of those Holo-Rings and though it would be cool for a map.
Cartographer was a map I started around a month ago. I didn't really forge on it much though since I didn't have a lot of time. Cartographer is...
Looks great. Like another person said, this reminds me of Assembly... Any idea of the date of completion???
I think I could try to make something out of this, but I don't know. It looks really nice so far, I really like the middle you have there. If...
Like Plasma Blades said, interesting concept of a new civilization on the rise, but there just isn't much to look at but a few blocks placed on...
OK Shadow you really don't know what your talking about bro... Forging 101 is a lesson page for different tricks in forging. If he wants to see...
THIS I do this quite a bit actually. It's not to the point where i'm stealing the map from them. I use the same sort of concept and build my own...
Great map man. I usually forge on the Sky Bubble or the Crypt because it offers creative ways to make maps. Forging on the main section is the...
You make wayy to many of these "announcement" threads bro
Even after those videos, I eat meat. Oh My Gawd meat is crazily good. I respect vegans and their choice, but.. Come on, I love a good rack of BBQ...
Everytime I try and watch a vid it says I need an upgraded version of Adobe Flash Player. I download the update, and when I go back to try and...
You have TONS of stuff your working on haha. Looks fun though!