nvm his sounds better
maybe give the fractal a 1.0 gausian blur then sharpen the render
well which version do you like most so i can add to it instead of just stating random crap like you always do
i like the streak lines in the back but not the one in the front i feel it just makes it look more dull but there needs to be a lil more going on
thanks for the comment, check out v3 do i need to tone it down?
a jew joke makes it all good
the bluring is nice but you need more focal on the head of the spartan
i say you take both the gears and the preadator and darken them to make them stand out a bit more cuz the focals a lil confusing at the start
its pretty good i would have prefered it if the extra black spots you made wernt so blury, and also very weird stock
the flow isnt so bad right now is it?, and could you suggest a way for me to add some more flow, cuz i cant think right now lol
yea i agree u have sort of been useing that text alot, just have a look around online for some other texts you like and you can use them, but try...
[IMG] i didnt do alot here but id like to see what you think, i mainly smudged to get the background effect, then meesed about with lighting.
yea i thought my text may have been to big and i knew it was too long i always make my sigs long to start with then if i fell its neccasary i...
dont spam up this board if you have a problem with the map they post it in the original post not this one this post is purly for congratulations...
its for someone who compets the obsitcle course i think but im not to clear on the rules you might want to host it on here alot of people will be...
these map montages are awsome, tell us the next map sp we can submit in clips
no it is just a render i was smudgin to get a background
veryy funny and surprisingly accurate lol
i got bored and made this sig in 7 min's so yea maybe not the best but still i think it looks ok, im not entirly done with it yet though, by...
could you pm me aswell i wouldntt mind seeing it