yeah well it was worth it for the sake of others, maybe if your lucky the moderators will love it and forgive u
this is just completly random ben why do u search for these things
all the videos are great the first ine with the slap slap but the last one wow that was fandom but still funny but u might get and infraction for it
always have ur clips from a frist person perspective unless your doing a small persective point of the other guy getting killed after uve shown us...
not really a glitch just a switch of and actual person not trying to be offensive but kinda lame cuz its not really doing anything, some dev kit...
Boat wars!!!!!!!!!
i saw ur crazy post offending that other guy, did u know that spaz will get and infraction for everything he posts now because of his sig...
llololol ben sum1 things u can mod hahaha
lol i found it rather amusing, but it just looks like he didnt really react kinda random but still pretty cool
nice clip definatly worthy of the submission, i cant really pull that off i might get it but it would usualy be luck
i managed to get it in 4 mins but it was my first try so i didnt bother to try and beat it
i had a something sort of similar happen to me, i had died then somehow i got back up with no weapons and i was flashing red then 3 seconds later...
lol that was very random but it was jsut hpst lag for him
i personally found this to be very boring as a map because you havent really attempted to do anything youve really just put box's on the ground in...
if you dont care about the gameplay of this map then why download it seems kindof unfair to the creator for you to leave it aside like that, for...
can people stop commenting on this map its has like wat 8 objects its not good no creativity stop commenting on this stupid map and look at what...
ben no bumping lol, but im actually surpised at how this map wasnt comment on it has excelent forging, the map has alot of unique aspects to it,...
bunny hopping is the new term for halo 3 for jumping higher off of the ground that usual ok, i dont care wat ur stupid halo 2 book says ok its...
lol theres nothing to disvuss he stuck it in the wrong hole
ive listend to that part so many times and i can never not laugh at it