Click here, and hit "View in HD" underneath the video. By far one of the best trailers I have ever seen. The gameplay wasn't that fascinating,... video just made me laugh, so I thought I'd share it. =] Oh god, the closer for...
The Lazy Mapmaker's Contest #3 Submission Thread [IMG] Alright, this is where we all shall be submitting the maps for the "Lazy Map Makers...
The Most Recent Episode am back, after about a month of not rambling. I talk about a website I...
Kinda. Just need some help getting a really good, small image for something. PM me for more information. Please be prepared to work really hard...
pewpewpew newest video. Link if media tags are broken. Criticisms are welcomed, just know that I can... I downloaded it and uploaded it to youtube...In case anyone wanted to see it... Then I... I just had to post this....
Sorry, I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, there's only been 17K views, so I doubt it... Anyways, I'm a subscriber of Poptub, they bring... I like this one a lot...Let me know what you guys think. Comments/Ratings/Subscribers are... After doing one for Vice, LIGHTS asked me to do one for his entry for the "History of the Goose"... A video Vice asked me to work up for him. Worked up a video for Metro v2. *Awaits the "ZOMG QWIT SPAMINATING TEH VIJEO SECTCHUN TECKS!"... If you're wondering what this trailer is all about: Go Here a shower really bad...but what's funny about that is I don't care... Basically, this is a...
[IMG] View the Original Forgehub Thread Here
This a compilation of the threads that all should be stickies, in an attempt to keep the Forge Discussion forum a bit cleaner. Important... Only spent 45 minutes on editing...Don't be douches...
Code Red v2 Created by Running Chron Gametypes Supported: Evac v2 Recommended Players: 6-10 A classic, long forgotten, & original map here on...