i hate you
alot of factors come into play. like if im done with the main structures, if i completed the main layout and all that's left is detail, or if it...
i already tried dummying them regularly and it didn't work. i guess i just suck at ghost merging =p
that sounds really confusing. have u actually tried it before? ill try dummying them again, but i doubt ill be any more successful than i was the...
Can anyone tell me if there's a way to ghost merge teleporters into the ground or walls? It would really help me on the map I'm making. I've...
ROADBLOCK TOWER - Humans race to the top of a tower as objects get thrown at them. Zombies are mere feet behind with an obstacle of crates in...
im with dirt jockey on this one. this map has got to be one of the best maps (besides 8 emerald legs) on blackout. i LOVE the idea of the lit...
no i meant the alternative method to the up + a one. I'm very good at the up + a but don't know how to do it to where you can access items in...
ya im using the up + A method. i don't know how to do the x + up d pad thingy or whatever cuz i tried and failed over and over. i think the up + a...
Hey guys, I'm working on a new map, which is a remake of Orbital on Sandbox, and so far I'm pretty much 90% done. I just have a couple tweaks and...
i honestly don't get why everybody's complaining about the one route thing. there are plently of maps in team doubles matchmaking that only had...
i would really like an openable/closable door, like the ones from the campaign, where if you approach it it opens, you know? i've always wanted...
Figured I should start a thread on this just to give you all a heads up on this amazing new thing I just discovered. JustinTv.com, a website that...
r u trying to make fun of me or something? cuz it's not working, im afraid, orange. o and guess what? im a bannana! f*** oranges!
lol. sorry had to quote that, its funny haha thanks =).
After recently reading a few tutorials on the invis effect, I decided to try it out for myself. For those of you who are not familiar with this...
lol. yea it is pretty cheesey. i named it when i was a newb at forging and all that good stuff. the design is very VERY complex. i tried drawing...
for the Loscocco screenshot, i can see the sandbox grid, and possibly a filter effect, but really, how was this made? it's amazinggggg
im really liking the first pic even though (now knowing how it's done) it seems simple. im wondering if this effect can be done on a smaller map,...
i agree with harr3ll on this one. the first ones a little cool, but just about everyone's taken a shots like that and it's becoming a bit cliche....