lol. i c. exactly what maps DO you like?
i was. but now im offline
Actually you suck at life. jk lol
mine too, but the positioning just seems a little off.
sorry i meant to put "chief's uncle" (simple grammatical error =p). anyway, r the top three good? or r u just saying they have proper framing?
I tried out the Gibby effect and got something else =p. Now tell me which one out of these I should keep. Because I like a few, but others I'm...
holy crap this map looks like fun! after watching the video, im so psyched to go play king of the hill/oddball on it now! and i must say, i can...
thanks! finally a mod responded! i intend on v7 to be ALOT more different than v6, though. so far, it looks about the same, although there are...
u think id get in trouble though? im afraid even if i post the new one with all the major changes that a mod'll lock it and ill get infracted for...
but there has to be an official way to post a different version. i was kinda hopin the admin or a moderator could tell me. they'd kno more about...
add me please! i'm looking for people to play custom games like infection and team snipers. none of friends EVER play those things, they're always...
I'm very close to finishing version 7 of my map, MLG Crescent v6, and I was wondering if you have to start a new thread, and name it "MLG Cresent...
lol. i DID have another person in the game. i had a guest account shoot a rocket launcher at me from behind, and i guess i paused it just in time...
i like pancakes
who do you think you are, a moderator? well, you're not, so there's no need for your smart remarks. he was obviously confused, being new and all,...
i honestly don't see what there is to test simply because there ISN'T anything to test except for running around a couple stacked blocks. i'm...
lol thanks for the -Blam!- comment hassanq! you're -Blam!- 'in awesome!
Map Canvas: Ghost Town Weapons Used: Rocket Launcher Filters Used: Juicy Where On Ghost Town: In the area on the ground in front of needler...
i would just like to say that nothing of what you said was simple and my head is throbbing painfully right now from the confusion!!!!