what your team name
what the hell is that ****
nice cool pic great idea!!! 5/5
cool and nice pic i like the different colors.5/5
go on
Ya there isn't much on this map butt add a little more and you will have good map!!! 4/5 its okay butt add more.
sweet pic nice i have never seen such a cool pic
ya mod lock thread does not meet standards
cool map i like it thats the 2v2 map and i have been practicing 5/5!!! great map!
hey go on
That looks awesome great job recon is cool in this pic!!!! 5/5
that was so much fun thanks vice cool pics 5/5!!!
that looks really cool I down loaded it 5/5!!!!!!
Thats weird it hasn't to happened have you try'd to clean your disk that works to try it.
I don't know what the difference is butt I have played both games and i cant tell the difference thats just me I like halo 3 br
The second one was cool that would be a cool idea if you could change the colors of your rank like the color of the guns and background.
lol you killed here i laughed really hard when i saw the pic
Spartans rule elites are really gay they suck
Thats awesome it looks cool and fun i love mlg maps there really fun 5/5 great map!!!