hey i m a fh tester guild member the haven't updated it so i am
Sapphire of course is a great map its really fun!!!
I believe lower the guns is a great group of players who want lowered weapons and are fighting for what they want!
double xp weekend is on living dead
Lol thats great pic man 5/5 nice!!!!
im delayning the game an 30 minutes okay
wow cool map i like it its so even 5/5 great idea and map!!!
Ya that was fun testing!!! I love the Map!!! 5/5 Good job great forging. I like how the map flows!!!
That insane amount of writing!! I read it all and i like it!! thanks you taught me a lot Thanks!!
What Room: My Room Where: a chair How Far from my T.V: 12 inches Why I choose this spot: comfortable Other: I like to sit close to tv
i like the map butt my dog can make better maps!!!!! 4/5 LoL i love it!!!
nice map that was very well forged i like it 5/5!!!!
I don't think so but mod lock thread.
i still don't get it!!! is it suppose to push someone away or something.
mod lock thread thread dose not meet standards. You have to embed the pic or else it will be a locked thread.
thats weird i don't get it!!! lol what up with that!!!
i dont get what is so cool about the pic??? its stupid 1/5
Thats weird i have never seen such a weird pic before!!!
That what happens when halo gets out of control. 5/5 lol lol
Thats kind of mean butt you kind of have to laugh at that.