yeah, if your not host on that part it is really hard to get it. and thanks.
one word, "ceiling"
Ima firin my lazor! lol
Thanks but the stick on valhalla wasnt that great...
i'll be waiting, not for very long though O_o
a challenge, yes, but not nearly as hard as my other ones.
Well, this was my second montage, but thanks anyways.
The secret is in the ceiling o_O
lulz that was teh best
sux to be you then
lol wind resistence
I finshed it a few days ago, I just had the time to come post this here now, but I liked it. My favorite was the last room and the part that you...
Yea, I'll make another one, maybe not right now, but it will happen.
dont tell me what to do!!! lol
Idk, maybe you need a deployable cover... (hint hint)