I was talking about all his maps in general, and who cares about grammer, it is a forum. And I don't care it is my opinion, other people may like...
Im glad your happy now then
i'm not going to talk to you anymore bye
what is your point
I never said he was better than me, but I really dont like how he sets up his maps, like having to look for teleporters behind walls, and in this...
Please stop acting like your the greatest puzzle maker in Halo, because your not. Sure you are good, but seriously...
If you dont care about them, why are you getting so mad, omg
Yeah, I am in a month or so
you dont understand, do you? I am going to post a tutorial in the next month or so, so stop conplaining
join my party the next time im on
you'll find out soon, don't worry. I like how people are trying to force me to make a tutorial, seriously, being mean does not get you anywhere...
im not holding it back, I said I am going to make a tutorial sometime...
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: now im going to tell everyone but you i said I was going to tell you just have to wait.
It is a glitch, they are not invisible barriers. If it was being moved by the monitor, then why would it rotate and still be moving forward at...
I never said I wasn't in forge, I used that gametype so we didn't have to changing teams all the time and not hear eachother. I got the gametype...
I am not telling anyone as of right now because then it wouldn't be a big deal anymore (espiecally since I just came out with the video)... As I...
I'll keep them a secret for awhile. just to keep the amazment going. maybe i'll make a tutorial when the video get a lot more views. Although I...
lol, I like how you think your so right.
clicky the linky: YouTube - A Halo 3 Glitch Montage - Presented by Tylyr1 This is a glitch montage that I have always wanted to make but I never...
it did take me some time, and patience, I have a lot of. Thanks