I'd suggest staying away from brushes and do some composition with the pen tool. Except splatter brushes, of course. As for the wallpapes', the...
This sounds like a partner activity. AKA Collab.
Wow, very nice text, Mace. Great C4D use.
You've got a little bar on the bottom of black and white pixels. Other than that, looks great. I would definitely offer my help with the coding if...
lol, I'm in Alaska and it hasn't snowed one bit. Touching story about the dog, though, and beautiful dog.
Yes, I'd definitely change the header. Also, ad some reflections to something. That should make it look very professional, especially with...
Knight, you're too noble to be among our ranks. But yes, I suggest searching for some tutorials on deviantart.com.
Yeah, I'm not seeing the cosmic gerbil or the skull.
Hmm, I would suggest trying to make more of a direction, it's good on the upper left, but I think the bottom could benefit from some...
Crazy cool, too LQ to be good, though. Darn shame.
Helps to know what theme you're trying to make the banner with.
Working on it, I'll try to present you with multiple options. :)
I'd suggest posting the stock here, that way you'd get more results and be able to pick between them. Although that does sometimes end it hurt...