Yeah, that's because my internet is finicky, so I have to log in several times before I can post something. Gets annoying.
The texture/pattern looks fine on the lighter objects, but with it on that nice gray background, it looks a bitsy off to me.
If you do ROFLninja, I beg you to not have a ninja laughing on the floor. That would be very uncreative.
Bg is too bland in my opinion. Add some sort of stock or sommat.
Add something to the background, and slap on a few gradient maps. T'would improve it greatly.
Kill the drop shadow.
Eh, looks pretty stretched and LQ, text is awful and doesn't really fit. I'd choose a better font next time. Also, follow this tutorial: Super...
Okay, for the glossy look, I just used a eclipse selection tool to select a big horizon-like shape on my avatar. Clicked to the mid left of my...
Looks okay, due to the stock, but in general lacks creativity. Make it more exciting.
Make a stock pack. I always need stocks. PWWEEESE!
Yeah, your sig is way oversized. Might want to change that, admins do their job well.
The smudging coming off the left of his helmet (his right, our left) is repeated with not enough jitter/spacing and you can kind of tell. Purple...
Hmm, I love the right, but the left is kind of a gaping hole and the effects should maybe spread that way a bit as well, yes? :)
I hear a lot of stuff about pixelnator or something in the design world. Not sure what it is, but I think it's like photoshop. Abduzeedo always...
Hey, I'm sorry but I'm a bit too busy to do any requests, small as this one may be, at the moment due to school, but here's the tutorial I...
Actually, I just followed this great tutorial here: Photoshop CS4 Icons Tutorial by ~guitarplayer16 on deviantART Then for mine I just put a...
I like it. Good execution. Nice and simple. Matte.
Looks way LQ, but great effects. Neat flow, text is okay.
Uh oh, I sense another god4. No good! No good!
Hey, I saw this stock today! I'd say do more stuff to it. kind of bland how it is, you didn't change much. (That I can tell) And even though...