The skulls were pathetically easy to find, really in plane sight. Breaking a crate for a skull would be cool like other people mentioned.
SS:Social Slayer BTS:Big Team Slayer
Ummm... But the disc yourself... really?!
I wish they added more marines/infaltry.
I use default, of course.
I randomly threw a grenade into the enemy base and their mongoose flipped and i got a splatter! FTW!
Pincers and long fangs with a short neck extending from his devilish scraped body and his pointed knee caps topping off with his knifed ankles.
Oh you mean those 2 year old kids that have extremely high voices and say: i pwn u nub i own u uhhh. ya just quit.
Bungie FTW!!!!! |,,|
That face looks hilarious but i think it was just a random accident in the design...maybe.
I hope they make new armor because the original armor right now is getting boring. But I'm wondering would it be sold as a set for like 800ms you...
The original recon owners should of gotten something extra like and odst body. Or just a special item.
It doesn't look like either... well not really.
That's a killer racetrack i'll be sure to download it!
Wow i've done the exact same thing it doesn't deserve 1st place...
I'd want cod controls because I'm always pressing cod controls. Also it'd be easier to switch between the two games.
A:Jump B:Melee X:Reload Y:Get in vehicles/pick up RB:Scope LB:Switch Grenades RT:Shoot Primary weapon LT:Shoot secondary weapon LS:Crouch RS:NOTHING
Same with slayer i want an elite campaign it'd make the game more interesting.
My opinion of the rouge helmet well is uhh i hate it it looks kinda lame and really isn't the best helmet choice. I would say the best helmet...
Halo 3 custom? That's be way to epic, I have halo 1 custom edition and it's EPIC. I'd really like halo 3 pc too. It'd be better than halo 2 pc. I...