Re: Tunnel Rats 2 I've been waiting for a second one but it doesn't look mich different to me from the original so instead of dling it again and...
It fixed itself for some reason after redownloading. Nevermind me.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Nevermind, I just saved a new grifball, anyway I really like it, falling of the cliff often can be a pain but this is...
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) I must say this looks great, but it's a pain to turn suicide pointloss and respawn time gain off every time, Nice thoguh.
Re: Duck Hunt Amazingly original. I need to DL this.
I had a problem with the lift at the start, It would always get you stuck near the top so you couldn't move, I've tried to go through it over and...
Ive seen these too much to really want to DL them anymore but I like the effort. Nice Job.
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. I'll DL it and reply later, I like the idea but it sounds like a normal assault,
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) I liked the "Hell on Earth" A lot. That was very inventive but I couldn't even solve the first puzzle, unless it involves...
Alright, The Bnet is working again, I'll download and comment later today. It looks like the most original minigame I've ever seen.
What you can do is grab the grav lift and ignore the soccer ball as you go to the last puzzle and use the grav lift to solve it instead of jumping...
Yeah, I know, but that isn't the whole point of the puzzle, besides, I enjoyed it and hope you guys enjoy it as well.
Looks amazing, I would love to check this out but I can't get on BUngie.
I like the idea though, I'll try to build one, then post under asthetics later, hopefully in about a month.
I must say that the shooting range is very interesting, I'll DL It now and comment tommarrow.
Well, I never really thought of it like that, thanks again. I'll go look at your maps too.
This was really neat, I liked it and hope to play again, it would also be fun if the humans were in ghosts and the zobies had to kill the humans.
Well thanks PerfectDark133t, I guess I would call it a serries of interconnected rooms that form together to make something one might call a...
Thanks but, this isn't really one of those.
Re: Lemmings (small mammals with suicidal tendencies) I played every lemmings game up till lemmings revolution (which was dissapointing) and I...