It looks fine, however, my que is full. I'll get back to it later.
I have had this map for about three months, It's old now.
I'm not a fan of race tracks but you could use a bump.
woah, Nice job interlocking, looks messy but for some reason, that seems to be a good thing.
I like the pictures but I'm not really a fan of a big bridge in the middle, walking there is just a deathtrap.
true, i liked the idea however
I really enjoyed this movie and I hope you do as well. It was created by darkspire films.
This doesn't meet map criteria. I always wanted to say that, I like the idea as well but it isn't too original. You just need some screens.
Nice, I really liked the cange but the first ones never last too long, still great map.
Re: Become the thief in "Heist"! Just zombies and Juggy I'm afraid.
Re: Become the thief in "Heist"! But then the thief cannot be slightly weaker then the humans and require stealth, both teams would be alike and...
Re: Become the thief in "Heist"! I tried it w/o camo and the zombie would always die too soon, the Camo is a neccesity, also, the map is large,...
I agree with G-Bag, I think a post to your fileshare is perfectly alright assuming you make it obvious which thing should be downloaded.
I concur. it becomes a pain for the zombie and eventaully humans as well.
Re: Become the thief in "Heist"! I know, It used to be a teritories version but unfortunatly, I couldn't incorperate the stealth feature with...
Introducing Introducing Heist! The game that lets you play as one of the worlds greatest thieves! The webster dictionary describes the word Heist...
my only problem was that much too often people would camp out in the hog corners until threatened, then drive over to the other one. Could you...
this doesn't really meet standards, I'm not going to bother linking the page again, I'm sure you can find it.
I found the mancannons more of a pain comapared to a help but thats just me, I'm more of a purist racer with simple courses.
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) The walkthrough really helped. Actually it gave it away, could you have given a hint instead?