If it's so easy, what's your strategy?
I hate to tell you, but since there are only two kill balls and a hill only goes one way, this idea would fall short.
Good call. I like the new format, much easier to read and find what you're looking for.
Wow...I just got my butt handed to me playing as UNSC on Heroic. I beat their first wave then the second wave was a ton of elite honor guards and...
I would have to agree here. There are a few things you could do to make it easier to find things if you were just scrolling through quickly.
I have a question that I don't think has been brought up before. If you add a new object to Sandbox (non-default) then delete it, will it still be...
This statement is a win. Seriously though, you need to quit complaining, kid. Bungie deals out quality maps and I haven't been disappointed with...
Hey, is it possible to self destruct units? I was playing as the covenant and wanted to make a scarab but didn't have room. I couldn't even get...
True. List of achievables: http://ah.roosterteeth.com/games/halowars/
There are 15 campaign missions in the game, but if the first two are anything to go by, they will all be very short.
Me too. The campaign will take the majority of my time though I may fit in some 3v3 skirmishes and a bit of the mythic map pack.
O.o Something new to tell us? I'm excited all over again.
I tried playing on Heroic once and got stomped by the covenant, so I usually play on normal.
True, but some of the leaders on Halo Wars will continue to work on DLC at Microsoft.
Indeed, a 3v3 match on March 3rd. I would love to join you guys if you would let me. =D
I love how much fun can be had in only the demo seeing as it is just one map and 2 teams. Imagine the possibilities with several maps, 3v3, and 6...
I figured it up and it is exactly 37 days. So since it is a little longer than that, according to Bungie, I'm going to say about a month and a half.
QFT. But to make this post not spam, I have to say that I can't wait for the weekly update today. Bungie loves to surprise us and now it's less...
No joke. It took me about an hour to download.
Yeah, the came has online 2 player co-op and 3v3 multiplayer. Anyway, the demo was fantastic and I can't wait for the full game even more. I...