I think a circular part would make for some awesome maps and if it was just the size of Foundry, what would be the point of Foundry? I think it...
i didn't say they did. But like someone said above me, Sandbox wasn't even announced yet.
That doesn't really "porve" anything. Red vs. Blue isn't made by Bungie, it is probably a coincidence or maybe Bungie let them throw out spoilers...
Wait...what does that show? It looks kind of like sand to me...
There is a barrier above the ground level. The only way to the sky bubble is through a teleporter.
Although Ensemble was ended, some of the leaders for the game will continue to work at Microsoft fixing bugs and working on DLC.
He might actually have something there since it also says right before your eyes meaning the default part.
Turns out it was legit...BUT when you click confirm, it says the offer expired. =(
There used to be a thread dedicated to the Mythic skulls but I think it's on page 2 now. Anyway, I'm pretty interested in these maps because I...
I hate to tell you, but that's sorta spam. Anyway, I think that the usual movable objects will be there. It seems to me like Bungie just listed...
Bungie has already stated that the teleporters are there because of the two-tier thing. Not to mention in forge, teleporters have their own...
The golf club will not be wieldable because it is listed under "Scenery" not "Weapons."
I just remembered, this opens up many new possibilities as to the location of the Sandbox skull.
We just got more huge news and people are already wanting more. You people should learn to stop speculating.
Cake? Ha. I'm sending them a stack of giant pancakes. This is possibly the greatest thing ever. I haven't forged much before but I certainly am...
This belongs in the Sandbox discussion thread and has actually already been posted there.
Much love to Bungie. Much much love. Best news I have heard....ever. I am dying for March 3rd to be here even more now.
Bungie said that the mythic map pack would be released on the marketplace after halo wars a little longer than the span of time between the...
Good point...but they are most likely immovable so it doesn't matter that much.
So far only one map uses teleporters by default (Cold Storage) and with good reason. Bungie knows what makes a map flow and that is not...