Dude this map is super AWESOME! I love it. Really creative thinking with the bathrooms and decrative items. Can't wait to use it in some custom...
I did a remake of Blackout and I think its pretty close to what the original was. I even have the spawns set in the same places. Only dif is...
I use the method of clicking in the analog stick and bumping the piece into place with the bumpers. There is however a exact coordinate thing...
Cool lookin map, gonna DL and see what its like. I'll try to repost what I think. Love the looks of it though.
I had the same problem when making my knockout remake. My friend was over and he wanted to forge in a different area so I let him. When I was...
Thanks. I really need some advice on the sniper tower. I think thats the hardest part of the map. Other than that my V2 of the map is almost done.
I havn't been able to play test this yet with anyone but I ran through the map and Its awesome. The feel of the map is great. The only thing I...
My idea was only to be viewed from the inside. I havn't sat down and really looked over the math stuff but I'll get around to it sometime. I...
First time posting here so I hope I'm doing it right. This is my remake of the Halo 2 map Lockout and the Halo 3 map Blackout. All the jumps...
I don't do holidays but this looks really cool man.
Cool job man, I like what you did with the middle platform. I also love how you did the shotgun tunnel. I'm going to download it and check it out.
I have an idea for a map that needs a dome in the middle and I was wondering if it was possible to do so with Curved Walls. I've see some...
Prolly does have something to do with fusion coils or something since he had it spawn so far away from him. It also looked like he had to go look...
Also I think its the corner 2x2 that you can put together to make a 2x2 square but that uses alot of pieces.
It says your video has a error. Or is that only me?
I like the layout of the map but I'm not fond of the random rocks that were added on the side. But thats just me.
This looks really cool man. I like how you made the platform in the first two pics. I would love to play on it when you get it finished.
Thanks for the comment man, I'm glad you liked it. So far I havn't seen any that have the right jumps in it either so I made this one with that...
Map Name: Knockout Map you remade: Blackout or Lockout Number of players: 2-8 Recommended three (3) Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH ForgeHub...
Map name: Knockout Link: File Share Here is a remake of the map Blackout. Its usable for slayer, oddball, and KOTH. Its as accurate as I could...