Walkthrough of my latest map Tapestry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXfo7AermSY Hope you like.. Yeah I did a horrible job filming and there is...
Well Matt Damon got douched: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PZNfOZXPJk Then got back at him kinda....
Tapestry By Mastar DOWNLOAD [IMG] Background Somewhere in a remote location in New Zealand.. An abandoned warehouse has been refitted and is...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRd7ER7u-KU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqqtJpfZElQ
Its a free online multiplayer game.. you guys should check it out. http://www.uniball-central.net...
One of those army application awareness test things.. I found it so easy.. I mean srsly, thats the standard for people joining the army??...
Lion Mutilates 42 Midgets in Cambodian Ring-Fight...
Who needs GIMP or Photoshop?? MS paint is what the pros use.... check this guy out Pixelgod :: Online Portfolio of Raffaele Picca 2006 All his...
Hey, I just jailbroke my iPod touch. There are a hell of alot of applications to go check out. And I was thinking I'd ask you people what the...
[IMG] ForgeHub Epic Sandwich Contest Olympics Welcome.. I thought it was about time ForgeHub got into the spirit of the Olympics, and what...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z_3sNdSMbI lolololol oh and by the way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA&feature=related...
Lol linubidix and the rest of you Batman fans, its not what you think. Its not about the latest Batman movies. This movie has the cheesiest...
NEXUS BUNGIE THREAD I really like this pic. I hope you like it too ;] [IMG]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA and then this >.< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSEVCPmmTBA&feature=related
Monitor BUNGIE THREAD lol on the Bungie thread I was joking around in the thread description and one guy wrote this.. I think you should have a...
The BFG has invaded teh halos BUNGIE THREAD How I did it: Was picking up the sniper rifle, dropping the spartan laser, and just noticed it on the...
Yah, I'm a total haxor.. guess how I did it.. Bungie Thread Fuel Rod Gun Bullet [IMG] Hint: FRG
I think its rather epic.. Comment the bungie thread if you like =] Epicness [IMG]