Although I won't DL, I can honestly say this looks reeeally good (albeit I'm no Well-known critic) and these all look like very hard jumps to...
Lol, that movie is funny. le ****, lol.
especially with chaps, it looked so funny.
I've never read it, but I'm also too ***** when it comes to Zombiez. I think they are awesome but if it ever came down to action I'll probably die...
Does this mean we SHOULD PM him or just keep posting? anywayz... I love Left 4 Dead - no reasons necessary, about 99% of the FH community would...
Hmmm... This looks cool, cause i never really registered pirates to be real, i just thought there was only a bunch of butt pirates. Lol. looks...
OMG!!! they both sound exactly alike!!! except for the fact that theyre played with diff instruments, though. But i can also agree with Norlinsky...
Hahahahahahaha... oohhhhhhh, Gaaawwd. that is sooooo lame, but at the same time, cool i guess if they do 'love' (yeah right) each other. Lol
If anyone has EVER played Conker's: Live and Reloaded Local Multiplayer with Bots on the Original Xbox then you'll know that all the bots have...
Oh, hai. ya im new, and im pretty addicted to going on FH even though i wont really download stuff. i think i may post a map or two eventually but...
pretty cool, like u said the casings do make it seem like its in-motion, other than that, i dont know why but it has some characteristic that i...
to be honest i DO think he looks the evil santa counterpart, but also, slightly, mebbe, a pedophile too. Lol
yes dude, i remember you, but that was kinda uncalled for, dontcha think? but yea, i hope to post up a couple maps a soon as im finished with them...
So, yeah, I'm new. Get to know me. Thats pretty much it. jk, thats a crappy way of selling myself! so i made my account around the beginning of...
huh, i didnt know that... my bad, but listen to him, that does actually strike the cliche bell
CQB Concept, Claustrophobia, The Cube (lol, funny movie), Warzone, Backdraft, Iraq (lol), its not that hard to think up a cool name. just find a...
its funny cause im not really into MLG maps or gametypes, but as far as MLG goes this is one of the better maps ive seen! 4.8/5 keep up the good...
huh, i guess im the stupid one with either bad memory or a messed up memory cause i could not find the one im talkin about anywherez... sad...
ok, thanks, ill let you know if my own ignorance gets to me and one of the maps you sent me was really the one im looking for. Lol
Haha, thanks again but i think i remember now. i think i went to far cry hub and from there one of the guys who posted a map had some maps on his...