The fact is that even though there are people who try and help the earth, the majority of us just don't care. More than half the human race...
5000!! We're all gonna die!!
I think that every human is worthless. How can't we be. We're making the world a worse place everyday with pollution and ****. we bully and harass...
Disturbed, aren't you one of the best screenshot takers on this site? I think you are in my opinion and I can see that from this screenshot. Keep...
Holy ****!!
I get the most retarded messages all the time. Not necessarily intended to be retarded but the thought of them makes me laugh at what pointless...
Just so you know, Longshore is not coming with Halo Wars LE. Sandbox, Assembly, and Orbital are coming with Halo Wars LE. It's already official.
Are you coming to school tomorrow? If so, I don't know if I wanna walk to your place for lunch.
These look awesome. I don't know what to say. Great screenshots. I like the brown sort of.
I like all montages that are good.
Everyone I know has got their Xbox back in a week and no more, so you may get lucky too.
That really is sad if you ask me. Waaay too nerdy, and that's coming from me.
Cool shot. It's not one of your cheap overuse of effects. That's really something.
These threads have already been made before. I actually made one a couple months back and it was locked because there was already one. Anyway I...
That's just stupid. "Hey you took my Halo 3 away, now I'm gonna kill you, literally. Haha now I'm gonna go to jail" Stupid kids these days. I...
interesting. An MMORPG Dragon ball. Never really saw it coming. Quite interesting.
I actually didn't mean to say Christian. I don't know why I said that. I do mean Jewish people though. Just so you all know. You can't wish a Jew...
This hurts because I have no friends.... unless my cats count as friends. I got them CoD WaW for Christmas.
Merry Christmas may be offending to Christians and I understand that. That's like calling a black person a N*****... you know, but if you didn't...
Oooh, sorry to here that. Hope you feel better soon.