yay maps made for the unlimited money glitch!
19 hour is almost a day!
loooks like you worked hard makig the map, and it came out very well, so Im giving you a 5/5
thats a pretty cool map 5/5
there isnt much stuff in the map 3/5
I like the werewolf idea
5/5 One of the best maps I have seen so far!
the graves was a good Idea
lol master cheif was crying in the picture
it was funny when he spat the beefngo out of his mouth
4/5 good map
why isnt there any pictures?
I give a 3/5 because there is too many powerful weapons
I love 3floor maps
the last one was very cool
I wonder if master cheif will kill the other master chief.
lol the kid was only playing wITH A WATER GUN And they killed him
good thing I looked a the posts first or I would have watched the video
Not the best music iv ever heard