It's a Real Time Strategy, and the only RTS I've liked was Command & Conquer Generals, and Spore... But this easily tops them.
Anybody have any freezing problems after downloading? My 360 has frozen 4 times in the past 8 minutes since I downloaded it...
I honestly don't know. I found it on the internetz, but it was too big so Bl00D F1R3 made it smaller and put my name on it
. wat so what happened? you were so active...
Too lazy to bother with Torrents... Also the fact that my little brother got Diablo 2 via torrent, and he left the torrent open, and our internet...
oh hai der... I named my WoW Character Nomtar because I liked the name... Hope you don't mind...
Did you guys turn off your sharing? I've never had any bad problems from it, but maybe it's cuz I'm on a Mac... meh...
whats wrong with limewire?
Why marijuana should be legal? how about just make drugs legal? Here's my reasoning: The current ban on narcotics is almost exactly like...
i'm keepin it hard for you
ahhh, i see....
i dunz know you... lol
uhhh, who are you? lol
So i herd u likez ass removerz... [IMG]
yoooo, where'd you go man?
hahaha, indeed :P
hahaha, I saw it in the OM NOM thread... and yeah, I figured the 18 px wasn't that important given the amount of people with massive signatures......
I'm signing on now if anybody wants to play, Name: Nomtar Server: Onyxia Race: Un-Dead Class: Rogue
HAHAHAHAHA, don't rape animals.. srsly... wtf... ROFL
I respect you being in the military, but I do not think your mission is best for this world...