oh hai...
He's from Kentucky... give him some credit for being able to put a sentence together. And to reply to his 11 year olds point; It would probably be...
X-Plane (Any of them, but I like Extreme) Brothers in Arms (Isn't bad, just takes some getting used to the control scheme) Ocarina (This is an...
hehehehe, stay golden for me babe... keep that nice white chocolate ass sweet...
All I play on CoD5 is **** Zombies... so yay? I dunno... I haven't played my 360 in a while... too busy with work and stuff...
Here are my fav free apps on my iPhone... Facebook Palringo Air Sharing (Transfer documents over wifi to your touch and view them) Shazam (Might...
This is my Cereal... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11w-rl6iaY Btw, the crackers are delicious
I'm gonna tap your white chocolate ass so hard... then I'm gonna take my ****... and i'm gonna make you wish you had one...
I'm gonna tap that nice whit chocolate ass so hard...
stay golden for me babe
haha, yeah... I used to get away with sooooo much more...
I was kinda dissapointed that 808's and Heartbreak wasn't nominated for anything. And then Lil' Wayne losing Album of the Year to the old guy and...
yeah, i changed my status to Saberwing 9875 is lynching niggers..... so yeah.. lol
95% of the time nothing, but if I'm going to work in the morning I'll stop at Tim Hortons (The Canadian Starbucks) and get an XL Double Double,...
Yes, but he wants to be able to use the internet and MSN and stuff. not just listen to music...
I have both, the speaker in the new touch is crap IMO. And I love having internet everywhere I go with my iPhone, but the $91 a month kinda...
My god, all you people. He's a normal person underneath, he obviously didn't smoke when he was training due to the fact that he's taken soooo many...
I stand corrected...
You don't, the image must be 500x200 in the first place. this is done by using a photo editor such as MS Paint or Adobe Photoshop...