I've caused too much **** on this forum to even be considered for loyal, premium, or respected. I kind of enjoyed being that little ****...
no, u can has ban
i don't have an M16.... Do you Airsoft?
you can haz XM8 if you take 50bb up the rectum at 360fps
I spot a UHC Super 9 (Big Sniper) an HFC Darkhawk (Silver and black pistol) an Aftermath Kirenex with 2400rd Box Mag and then the others I don't...
nou cannot haz :)
Of course I plan on upgrading the barrel and hop-up. It's just not at the very top of my priorities. It will be done by summer though, and yeah,...
Alright, so I got the gearbox yesterday, UPS didn't charge me any brokerage fees :D so I attempted to fit it into the lower receiver of the XM8,...
Hahaha, it's pretty nice. Alot of BMX bikers used to use it. And they built some massive jumps and berms and stuff, and then they just left... So...
Back on topic, myself, Bl00D F1R3, and Cam1317... Bl00D is the one in the weird mesh leaf suit. I'm in the OD Combats, and Cam is in the normal...
I had a Yomega Yo-Yo that said Saberwing on the side and I fell in love with it...
Here is the link to the exact gearbox on the site I bought it from: JG G36C Complete Gearbox by: JG - Airsoft GI - Welcome to the ultimate As for...
GAHHH the gearbox for my XM8 is still on it's way... according to UPS tracking, it left LA at 4:52am Local time... on Feb 25th... I WANT TO KNOW...
If you don't like it, feel free to leave.
hahaha, that's what I've been thinking this entire damn time... Here are some more pictures of mine. Firepower XM8 Firepower MP5-SD3 KSC Beretta...
Hey Sean.... WE CAN TAKE'EM!! NO WE CAN'T!! hehehe
People, if you're going to post your guns, post pictures you have taken. Otherwise, Pics or it didn't happen... Here are mine, Firepower XM8 (I...
The amazing new device from apple! the iPone... leaks originally thought it would be called the iPWN but it was changed... Retard, learn to spell...
I heard you were dead...
keep dat **** hard