Well it depends what kind of weapon you want really. Airsoft is mostly personal preference. What brand of XM8 is it? So when Bl00D, CAM, and I...
Is it just me, or is GC slowly becoming OT?
First of all, it's a Guy Fawkes mask... I don't think it has anything to do with V for Vendetta...
yeah, because I have to dissassemble the gun to fit it in my bag... And iguess doing that broke it today. And it was ranging between 0 and 10...
So I found a flaw in my gearbox, the selector plate is made of cheap fragile plastic, and in the cold today it broke... The one from the crappy...
I agree. Go for the G36C, and if you live in the States, you can get mags with fake rounds in them. I just purchased ten 30rd G36 mags for my...
Windows live has been going down alot... It's windows...
Well it depends on what you want really... The G36C will have big mags that will only fit a single one in a pouch for 2 STANAG mags. But the gun...
Basically take the prices at Red-Wolf Airsoft, and multiply by atleast 2-3x... That's how much we're paying for our stuff... :( Hahaha, good old...
let us know how that goes... Meanwhile... [IMG] Hahaha, yeah. I wasn't there for that video. What gun were you loooking at again? The JG M4...
Hey, my Gamertag is Saberwing 9875 I'm usually playing with Bl00D
You find your ***** yet?
I'd love to play online with you too Insane, but you blocked communications with me when you were streaming live :P Anyway I think everything you...
The barrel of the silencer is actually the inner barrel of the MP5 from my earlier pics... I'm not to sure if I like the look... And would only...
So today I was sitting around and looked at my 92F with it's Silencer... The silencer was very impractical on the gun because when it was...
Here's his Camcorder: Future Shop: Cameras & Camcorders: High Definition Camcorders: Canon Vixia 40GB High Definition Hard Disk Drive Camcorder...
Here are some pics from yesterday. They're just stills taken from Bl00D's HD camcorder. We'll have the footage up tonight hopefully. [IMG] More to...
If you're looking for a budget rifle, get a JG... They're 99% TM compatible, and better then a stock TM gun. They also make almost any model of...
nice try on the Airsoft Thread bud... ****ing tool...
ouch yo, that really sucks... I'd kill for that in Canada, it'd probably be twice the original price in Canada... And it'd be on Sale... :(