This should be in the Maps Section, not GC...
If you prefer plastic thats fine. But personally, I prefer metal. I want to know that I can drop my gun and the most that will happen is a scratch...
How am I a skinhead?...
Congratufuckinglations... God I can't wait till OT comes back so all this **** is gone...
I can haz cookie? [IMG]
Also remove all your cookies, and any online banking stuff!!
I've just removed all personal data from my computer... I suggest everybody else do the same
Nitrous... Sorry, I'm getting confused...
I have friends on the staff. Bl00D F1R3 and I are best friends, he lives on my street. and Camoflaug lives about 5mins away. So go sit in your...
You know that whole Conficker virus thing? Well Shock Theta got ahold of it and unleashed it on FH a while back... Basically, if you've ever...
Guys... I just talked to the staff on skype... This is real... ****...
Well congratufuckinglations, would you like your balls to drop now or when you actually almost get a girlfriend?
OH MY ****ING GOD you've got to be joking me right?
If you look, most of my posts are actually intelligent. Not random Spam posts like most of yours.
hahahaha, WELLLL DARN TOOTIN AREN"T YOU A WILD LITTLE THANG! why don't you shut your little nooby mouth before i come give ya a lickin boy.
GC is full of **** now... :(
Exactly what I've been thinking for the past couple hours... Yesterday, GC was nice and quiet... And now this shitstorm..
This should be in OT at the most... otherwise the trash...
That is just plain sexy. You lucky *****. Got a vid camera so we can see it firing?
Exactly. You can tell who the airsoft noobs are because they always over estimate the FPS of their gun and think that is the only thing that...