Nice WE-Tech Dragon Gunslinger, what brand is your Mac 10?
it's like $35 in Canada... + 13% tax... And it's alot harder to get gun in Canada then in the states... And you can't shoot your friends with real...
lmao, I dunno. I saw some other pictures where they had their gun lying on a jacket or hoodie with a cell phone or a lighter beside it... And we...
Alright, let's see your airsoft gun pics... They must be pictures YOU HAVE TAKEN... not pictures of the gun from websites... Heres my KSC Beretta...
Why the hell does Star Trek say: May 8th -Star Trek ---An exasperated father ships his spoiled daughter off to a strict British boarding school. ???
Oh hai...
Dude, you're homeschooled too? So am I lol
thanks lol
iPhone 16GB Black... That's all I want... But since I probably won't get one; Echo 1 G36K AEG Left 4 Dead XBL Renewal Clothes
I cropped the Graduation album, then I cut out the bear and glasses from the Stronger - Single album and placed it ontop...
I know I have 4 numbers at the end of mine, but people just call be saber or saberwing... nobody ever just uses the numbers... But when people...
You're saying linux had those features before OSX? Let's not turn this into an OS debate... The green background is pretty cool..
So do I... And my MacBook can do all of that... It's nothing special really...