Well I'm half on this site half doing my HW so when I'm done I will turn on the Xbox and can see if it is fixed now.... But Will let you know if...
Please read before you do anything. explained everything on top. and I dont have the problem that they do not appear, but that they are still...
No I just got an object from the list and tried with that...
Sorry for not saying any more details, but it is interlocking objects together. Well when I get an object and put it on to not start at start (i...
Guys, I have the problem that I can not merge anything together on Sandbox. Is it only for me or what? I saw another person talking that they...
Dude I have the same problem.... :cry: Well, tried staring a new game after some time and same thing. Will try it again today, should work....
Thanks will use it when I will need some tester. :)
Ya I saw that, I was looking at the races and, posted, Sorry, Well I can not delete it.... New to this place.
I was thinking.... And then an idea got into my mind of making a coliseum. I may take a long time, but I do know everything about forging, that...