Yeah that's a lot of work. Are you guys doing your own mixing or do you have a producer?
gotcha. When is the cd going to be finished?
Less than a buck per song for the demo? You crazy.
This map makes my pants rise.
Sounds like a plan.
If you're interested, I'd like to show you what I've been working on. I'll be on later this evening if you're about.
cool. I tried you earlier, but you were either AFK or in serious forge mode. I may be on later this evening if you want to take a look at each...
No worries, good sir. Journalist, eh? Nice. :-)
getting on now...
Ah. I hate it when that happens.
Stuck as in no idea or stuck as in half-assed idea that isn't fully realized? I can help with the latter.
How's yours coming along?
I'll be on the lookout for you.
Map's pretty much done, just need to set up spawns and weapons. I shall show it to you if you'd like.
<3 propipe 13084775
Did you watch that clip from yesterday? I have very few 'moments', but that was a pretty good one. Ended up doing the weekly yesterday with...
I'll be on within the next 30 mins
sorry I had to bail. I'll be back on later tonight, I want a rematch.
that's cool. Show me sometime. :-)