That quote is just epicness! LOL God of Fail.. LOL
I played on Sandtarp, and Boundless last night when I was playing MM.. They're OK I guess, Same levels just on Sandtarp the Elephants were...
Team Shake n' Bake is in full effect!
I have included other bands, did you not see the entire list of videos that have been on the list in the past? I even said I was on an Avenged...
Updated the Royal Five.. I've been on an Avenged Sevenfold kick so I put up 5 solid videos by them. Enjoy!
I know right! I was watching the game on Sunday, and when Brady went down and I heard all the rumblings of an ACL tear, I was like.. Figures! I...
Uhhh.. I see this map was posted 2 weeks ago, and I have yet to see it. Why has this happened? I need answers! OK on to the map. I saw this...
Matt Cassel ain't nothing to **** with.
Anyone know someone like this? I do.. lol Headshots all around there free baby!!
Get The **** Out.
I've heard their older stuff, I have most if not all of there albums, and I will agree with you Vinny that I brought you my bullets, You brought...
Ugh.. That is just horrible.. In no way does Michael sound good as a girls name.. I hate her now..
HAHA!! you have the same name as a girl.. IN YOUR FACE!
MCR is a good band, But not the best band ever.. Not even close.. But I will say that Vampire will never hurt you is a clutch song.
Nice Video Creep! Who was that sexy motherfucker driving the mongoose? Oh that was me!! Epic Stop man, I know you have better ones because I've...
How would you be able to have the first 3 movies if John Connor gets assassinated? Isn't that the point of the Terminator movies.. To keep John...
Hello, I'm Paralyzed King.. Before I get asked this question.. Not I am not actually Paralyzed.. My gamertag is the same as my username. I...
One small problem that I can see with that cunning plan, The serial code on the xbox 360 won't match what is on the box. If you noticed when you...
I liked the sniper shot you took from the bottom of the gravity lift on Construct.. It was sick..
Dude get over it.. She doesn't look 12.. Not even close.