Nope, No fees come along with the Touch. You buy it and your all set, Only thing is to use the internet you just gotta be around a wifi network,...
If you already have a cell phone I'd go with the Touch. The Iphone is cool and all, But it's just to freakin expensive for the service.
Well I recently had my Ipod updated. My girlfriend bought me an Ipod touch for my birthday.. It's pretty bad ass This was my old one: [IMG]...
Then if you are trading in your PSP.. Leave me your charger cause I can't find mine. That would be a clutch roommate move, Also... Check my PSP...
I say the Pats should re-sign Colvin.. Cause that dude is a Beast!!
Hey Double V! just out of curiosity how long did you have to wait to get your Xbox back after you sent it in for repairs? I just got the RRoD...
Seriously? That's the same commercial as the one with Kobe Bryant, Tony Hawk, Michael Phelps, and Gay-Rod.. I mean A-Rod. They can't even come...
Yes except for all the free porn, Other than that.. I hate the internet.. Oh and on a side note.. I'm going to laugh at you now, for no reason...
I hate the internet.
I don't even know you and I got 90% I got some lucky ass answers on that one. lol
Just because you're on the internet doesn't mean you can't talk like a civilized person.. Seriously man, What the hell does this mean?!...
Yep.. And please.. Don't use that obnoxious internet lingo with me.. I like to think of myself as some what educated. K.. Thanks..
Incase you didn't already know.. I'm an indestructible master of waaaaaaaaarrr..
I haven't played mine in a few months, But I still got it all hooked up to my TV, Along with my NES, PS2, Xbox, and 360..
What does that say? Anyways, GGaHT's is good song, I've never tried it on expert though.. I have a hard enough time with it on Hard, I'm not...
Pluto isn't actually a moon, Rather it is the second largest " Dwarf Planet" (I know that's an oxi-moron) right behind Eris. I'm pretty sure it's...
Dude firing a handgun and a rifle in no way compares to firing an automatic weapon, Way more recoil, and way more dangerous even for an 8 year...
I voted for Obama/Biden And to answer DTL's question, I'm registered to vote and am ready to get it over with already.. I hate election time.
I totally agree with you man, Common sense says that an 8 year old kid should not be firing, nonetheless holding an automatic weapon. Father's an...
Dude, when are you going to get your guardian tag? This purple and Orange has got to go.. It's.. U.. G.. L.. Y.. you ain't got no alibi.. It's UGLY.