This map and Gametype is amazing. Some of the best times I've had playing Halo in a while. Nothing better than getting 10 or 12 people together...
That is a very wise observation
lol Eric mangini gets fired from New York.. Karma's a ***** eh?
WTF!! 8-8 and the Chargers make the playoffs, 11-5 and the Pats don't.. That just makes me sick. Only silver lining is the fact that the...
Stats, Stats, I like Stats, You like Stats? I like Stats, I got so many Stats at my disposal, I check out all my stats to get my stat total.
Yet another feature for you my friend, Soon you'll be getting features almost as often as you ****.
The ass idea is all yours my friend.. And watch it get featured.. lol
So do I get real ideas or just the crazy and ridiculous ones?
How about no.. lol..
I need some ideas for my map.. I'm drawing a blank as to where to go from where I'm at now.. Think of something epic for me would ya!
So you folded because of 12 year olds with small attention spans, and made the mature adults that actually take the time to read the posts and...
See.. If you just listened to me to begin with, You could have made the description for each map much smaller like I said you should and you...
Psh! I got like 296 posts *****.. Everyone should just like me.. cause I'm awesome
LOL I did.. That's Texiera's new nickname.. Oh and if you haven't noticed, 90% of my visitors messages are from you.. lol Man no one likes me
That just leaves the Red Sox open to get Mark " I'm a switch Hitter" Texiera
7 Years, 160 Million.. CC to the Evil Empire.. Good Riddance
**** Yea Son!! I got my Xbox back today.. 3 days earlier then I expected! Booyah!
How much RR did you play last night?
Friday February 6th.. Slipknot is at the Tsongas Areana.
Well like I said, I'll let you two talk it out.. But what he briefly told me was that he talked to you Saturday or something and said he was going...