Just a small shop in my area, not a chain or anything. These days I guess most places don't want customers scared away. A stretching is certainly...
I'm a big fan of piercings, all of my girlfriends have had them, and they can definitely be attractive if done properly. I know exactly what Nor...
I should be able to get on within the next 20 minutes or so, I'm not at work, but I'm on my iPhone.
Oh that'd be awesome! I can't get on Skype now, but if I jump on later it'd be great if you could send it to me. Thanks man :)
That's probably more down to your experience with driving the Prowler as opposed to the Prowlers themselves, to be honest. The amount of feedback...
Thanks EAKLE, I appreciate you helping with the Atlas test videos. The Turret is tilted in that way so you have a better angle overall. If the...
I draw using a tablet a lot of the time, and a good way to practice is to get an image you like in Photoshop, make a new layer and use the tablet...
Sure, the name of the map is extremely important, I understand that, but I was questioning why it mattered to Erico.
There are ways of converting .psd straight to xhtml, Hari. In my opinion it all looks a bit too 'chunky', but that's just personal preference.
If I remember rightly, Age of Doubt is something in Halo Wars, but I can't remember what exactly, as I sold the game a long time ago. I don't...
Haha, tsk tsk! No problem mate, I'll be around either way, so if you do get on at some point just let me know :P Sounds good though, I look...
Yessuh. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/89322-indoctrination.html
Awesome, I'll definitely try my best to be there. I'm around tomorrow, and I can afford to miss the scheduled game if you wanna play around then?
Just send an invite my way if I'm online. I'll be happy to play regardless of whether we can get a good sized party or not. When are you thinking...
Oh nice, sounds great! If you want me around or need me to bring extra people then I'd be happy to, although it might be a better idea to play...
Ah, well then sir, you have every right to send me one! Any chance of you telling me what you have lined up for Indoctrination yet?! ;D
Haha, I'll accept your apology! I really like the Goodfellas Mini Pizzas actually, they're tasty! What one was it? My mum always gets them for...
Haha, that's the name of the VNC Client, it's supposed to be one of the fastest so I just downloaded it. I swear, if you didn't get curry for...
I can control everything on my iPhone in near real time, it's great. I've already freaked out my girlfriend by sitting there and calling her...