In no order: Men in Black 1 + 2 Dark Knight Batman Begins iRobot Johnny English Hot Fuzz Shaun of the Dead Pirates of the Caribbean (the...
New pics again. The ladders work by grav lifts under the floor. Due to reaching the budget and object limit I'm not able to set this up...
Anthem by ehand88 and The Barbarian by ShaddoBlade I changed it because I just got a look at anthem, if that's not allowed then tell me and...
I think this would work as a multi story building with a flag or oddball in the vault. Then you could travel to the top of the building where...
I never tried traditional geo-merging because it looked time consuming and complicated, so when ghost merging came along it really helped me. The...
I'd say there needs to be something circular in the middle, possibly something resembling the middle of Guardian, but multi-leveled. It's hard to...
I get random flashes of inspiration. Sometimes I'll see a structure in real life or in another game and go 'huh, I could make that' and start...
The reason I think there's a divide on this issue is because there are two types of movie goers. The ones who keep their brains running at full...
I hate the MW2 Wardriving but translated to halo I think it could be quite good. From what I can see it looks clean so far, looking forward to...
I'm pretty sure that Given's a guy.
New pics are up, it should be released soon. Thanks for the offer of help, obviously I've finished this map but I may message you for help...
That probably wouldn't even be necessary. There's no reason for people to go further out because the fighting would be happening where it's...
Guns: 1. ACR - Amazing accuracy and since its iron sight is still good I can use FMJ without bling. 2. Tar 21 - Love this gun. Works great...
If this game is successful I'll definitely be making a map pack, maybe each map styled after one of the original batman ones. thanks for the...
Silent Knight This map is inspired by the Batman: Arkham Asylum DLC 'Hothouse Prey'. Silent Knight won't be the name of the map it will be of...
Pyrokinetic by Urban Myth The Barbarian by ShaddoBlade
You need to make sure the destination is moving otherwise you can only gain one point from going through it, although if you're getting no points...
It's a little hard to tell from the pics (a proper overview would help) but the design looks good. There are two faults I can find with it. One is...
Damn Bungie and their stupid OLN! Unfortunately I don't know any way to get past it, I had the same problem with one of my maps. But this is...