Can you please make your pictures bigger, use the actual pictures, not the thumbnails
Again, you have 24 hours till this thread gets locked
Why does your link say all that crap, just make it say MAP and GAME. Also, you had better get those pictures up in the next 24 hours or this...
I have no clue what this map is about. Add a description, I have never heard of donut ball!
I read this pretty thouroghly and I can't see why it would require the honor rule. There is nothing that people have too follow because you are...
You do need to embed picturs. I am to lazy to give a tutorial on here, but I'll pm you one. The map looks good for a first post, but your title...
You totally blew off his map without considering anything. Interlocking is important, but it is definitely not necessary. By the pictures, I can...
It's a good theory, complicated... I understand, but I wouldn't really care that much to try it in a map for the sake that it could be completely...