When is the retrospective coming back???? Please write it soon
Looks great, but putting two boxes right next to each other without interlocking (I know it is a lazy map), might hurt game play. Once your done...
It is actually very fun to play 1v1 on. If you don't understand what it does, it kind of provides cover on the outside and is open on the inside....
The map is ok, but your story is very excellent. I agree with dented drum a little bit, about the merging and base placement. It looks more casual...
Thanks dude. Seems like everybody pretty much likes it. Only one person doesn't and doesn't have a reason except he says it looks simple, but.......
Oh I get it now, Furious D was talking about himself. It's kinda like an inside joke, but anybody who knows what Furious D looks like would know....
It is a good idea, but it should be in aesthetics, because it is not an actual map, but a canvas. However, you should have interlocked a custom...
I beg to differ. I think it could be useful in a casual game. It looks like a good switch, but the touch sensative door is the best!
You really 13 Orange? (You look 20 in your avatar)
Oh, so those 30 minutes actually taught someone something! I'm so happy for myself, I'm gonna go drink a beer-I mean eat a cookie- to congradulate...
Dude pmp, how do you have only 10 posts on fh, but you joined in February. That just isn't right you artificer noob. JK
Oh, so on h3artificer you knew the whole time, and I wrote for half an hour on physics why it isn't hydraulic and all the laws of motion and...
Me gets first post! Me likes lotsies, but it not hydraulic, already explained it just pressurized! I don't normally act retarded like that, but...
Ooh, I forgot to mention, post that pressurized door here. It's sure to get lots of attention. I thought that that was very amazing
It looks cool, but you use a lot of min/max switches, and they are really ineffecient space-wise. Other than that, great job!
This is so original 5/5 (it does kinda look escapable though!)
Here are two recommendations: 1. There are teleporters in front of the ghosts, that way the zombies have to drive through, and cannot walk out 2....
He is still in the process of fixing it. You need to read, it has nothing to do with him asking for testing.
He actually has pictures and a description. His pictures don't work, but I showed him how to fix them
Below is the code for your images: Alpha shark spawn [img] The Mino spawn [img] The new shark spawn room, and launch mechanism [img]...