I can't believe you've made like 15 maps, and done them so quick, while maintaining qualtity, and also training to become an engineer, and wait I...
Right now the most advanced door is pmp's pressurized door. However, his isn't relevantly useful in a map, but a great idea. This one would work...
It looks okay, but again there are many d-day maps. I think that d-day maps should use a territories system though, because d-day was about...
This map looks okayish, but mansions and houses are made a lot, and there is nothing different about this one. You should have a roof on a map...
This is the third well executed competitive map with switches that I have found. One of the other two is my map and I cannot quite remember the...
Humm. The map looks ok, I don't know how well it would play, not much is shown in the pics. The name is so unoriginal its not even funny, try...
If it has already been posted, and posted correctly, why would you bother posting it again? I am going to report this post. If you simply want us...
I checked your pictures on bungie. Either this is way too easy, or you don't have enough pics. You do indeed need to upload your pictures to an...
This should be put into forge discussion considering that there is not a remote possiblity of this being considered a map in any way...Even...
OK! He has a lot of people telling him to fix pictures. Since someone else is viewing this currently, the next person after him to ask for...
I actually think it looks good. It is small, but as he said, he will interlock in the next version. I didn't interlock the sides of my map on v1,...
Wikipedia is trustworthy for the most part. They do, like others said, monitor the pages. However, I have written useless facts, that are actually...
This could be very helpful for teaching my friends how to forge. I think I'll save this and come back later to download, if they want to learn....
This is a pretty good obstacle course. It looks like the difficulty progresses as you do. 4/5, because obastacles courses and mazes are made sooo...
Well, you definitely need to upload them to an image hosting site before you embed them. PM me in about 10 minutes if you need help
Well, you did a good job, because I looked at the pictures before reading, and I was thinking, this looks kind of like Turf. I knew that it was...
Since I was gone and so many people posted, I think I'll adopt Shock Theta's method of quoting everybody he missed replying to. I don't see why he...
You need to delete the one that comes flying towards you when you pick up the first one. Then, add any weapon or object, and that will control the...
Ahhh. I don't see any interlocking, and I wish you would've known about it, because your map looks great. However, having an uninterlocked floor,...
Actually, the rules specifically say that all pictures you include must be embedded. He tried to embed from bungie, he needs to upload his...